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We at Rewos GmbH always strive to offer our valued customers not only high-quality products, but also outstanding service. Therefore, with the following detailed shipping conditions, we would like to give you a comprehensive overview of our shipping processes, delivery times, shipping costs and all other relevant information that may be of interest to you in order to make your shopping experience with us as transparent and pleasant as possible.
In this day and age where online shopping is becoming increasingly important and customers all over the world can order their desired products from the comfort of their own home, it is of the utmost importance to us that you know exactly when and how your order will reach you. For this reason, we have made it our mission to present our shipping conditions in as much detail as possible. We understand that the shipping process can sometimes seem complicated, especially when it comes to international deliveries, customs fees or different shipping providers. Therefore, we want to provide you here with all the information you need to be fully informed about our shipping practices.
Our goal is to reach customers all over the world and give them access to our products. For this reason, we offer delivery to a wide range of countries, mainly focusing on the following regions:
Germany, Austria and Switzerland (DE/A/CH): For our customers in these countries we charge a flat shipping fee of €5.49 . We would like to emphasize that we offer free shipping for orders over €199 for deliveries to Germany, Austria and Switzerland. This is our way of thanking you for your trust and loyalty.
European Union (EU): Customers within the EU can also rely on our reliable deliveries. Shipping costs for deliveries to EU countries are €9.95 . We always strive to keep delivery times as short as possible and work closely with our shipping partners to ensure this.
International deliveries: For our international customers outside the EU we offer shipping at a flat rate of €14.99 . Regardless of where you are, we strive to make our products accessible to you and provide excellent service.
We rely on proven and reliable shipping methods to ensure that your order arrives safely and on time. Depending on the origin of the product and your location, we use different shipping service providers:
Standard Shipping: All our orders are shipped standard unless a special arrangement is made.
Shipping from China: Products shipped from our partner warehouses in China use the shipping service provider CJFastLine . This service provider has proven to be efficient and reliable, especially for international deliveries.
Shipping from our warehouse in Schlüsselfeld: Items that we ship directly from our main warehouse are shipped with DHL . Our address is:
Schlesierstr. 7
96132 Schlüsselfeld
Shipping from Amazon warehouses: Some of our products are shipped through Amazon's fulfillment centers. In these cases, you benefit from Amazon Prime 's fast delivery times, which usually allow next-business-day delivery.
We understand that delivery time is a crucial factor when ordering online, so we want to give you as accurate information as possible:
Products from China: Items that need to be imported from China have an estimated delivery time of 6 to 11 business days . We work closely with our logistics partners to keep these times as short as possible and to provide you with up-to-date information on shipping status.
Products from our warehouse in Schlüsselfeld: If the products ordered are in stock at our location, the delivery time is 1 to 3 working days . We endeavour to process and ship orders as quickly as possible.
Products from Amazon warehouses: Items shipped through Amazon are subject to Amazon Prime delivery times. This means that your order will usually arrive the next business day.
Please note that the delivery times stated are estimates and that delays may occur in individual cases, for example due to unforeseen events or high demand. In such cases, we will of course inform you immediately.
Customs fees or import taxes may apply for international shipments. We at Rewos GmbH want to make shopping as easy as possible for you and therefore cover any fees as long as they do not exceed €10 . If the amount to be paid exceeds this limit, we will contact you to discuss the next steps and find a solution that is satisfactory for both parties.
Your satisfaction is important to us. If you are not satisfied with a product you have purchased from us, we offer a 14-day refund period from receipt of the goods. For further details on the return policy, the return process and any costs, please see our detailed return policy . We recommend that you read this information carefully to avoid any misunderstandings.
Currently, there are no special shipping conditions or restrictions for our products. If certain items are subject to special conditions, we will highlight this information clearly in the product description to inform you accordingly.
We hope that these detailed shipping policies answer all your questions and give you a clear overview of our shipping processes. Our goal is to provide you with a transparent and pleasant shopping experience. However, if you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our customer service team is happy to help you resolve any concerns you may have.
Contact information:
Rainer Ott (Managing Director)
Schlesierstr. 7
96132 Schlüsselfeld
We thank you for your trust and look forward to welcoming you as a customer. Your team at Rewos GmbH wishes you a lot of fun shopping in our online store.
English version:
At Rewos GmbH , we are committed to providing our valued customers not only with high-quality products but also with outstanding service. Therefore, we present the following detailed shipping policy to give you a comprehensive overview of our shipping processes, delivery times, shipping costs, and all other relevant information that might interest you, aiming to make your shopping experience with us as transparent and pleasant as possible .
In today's world, where online commerce plays an increasingly significant role and customers worldwide can conveniently order their desired products from home, it is of utmost importance to us that you know exactly when and how your order will reach you. For this reason, we have made it our mission to outline our shipping policy as detailed as possible. We understand that the shipping process can sometimes seem complicated, especially when it comes to international deliveries, customs fees, or different shipping providers. Therefore, we want to provide you with all the information you need to be fully informed about our shipping practices.
Our goal is to reach customers all over the world and make our products accessible to them. Therefore, we offer deliveries to a variety of countries, focusing primarily on the following regions:
Germany, Austria, and Switzerland (DE/A/CH): For our customers in these countries, we charge a flat shipping fee of €5.49 . We would like to emphasize that we offer free shipping for orders over €199 to Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. This is our way of thanking you for your trust and loyalty.
European Union (EU): Customers within the EU can also rely on our reliable deliveries. The shipping costs for deliveries to EU countries are €9.95 . We are always striving to keep delivery times as short as possible and work closely with our shipping partners to ensure this.
International Deliveries: For our international customers outside the EU, we offer shipping at a flat rate of €14.99 . Regardless of where you are located, we aim to make our products accessible to you and provide excellent service.
We rely on proven and reliable shipping methods to ensure that your order arrives safely and punctually. Depending on the origin of the product and your location, we use different shipping providers:
Standard Shipping: All our orders are shipped using standard methods unless a special arrangement is made.
Shipping from China: Products shipped from our partner warehouses in China use the shipping provider CJFastLine . This provider has proven to be efficient and reliable, especially for international deliveries.
Shipping from Our Warehouse in Schlüsselfeld: Items we ship directly from our main warehouse are dispatched via DHL . Our address is:
Schlesierstr. 7
96132 Schlüsselfeld
Shipping from Amazon Warehouses: Some of our products are shipped through Amazon's logistics centers. In these cases, you benefit from the fast delivery times of Amazon Prime , which typically ensures delivery on the next business day.
We understand that delivery time is a crucial factor in online orders. Therefore, we want to provide you with the most accurate information possible:
Products from China: Items that need to be imported from China have an estimated delivery time of 6 to 11 business days . We work closely with our logistics partners to keep these times as short as possible and provide you with up-to-date information on the shipping status.
Products from Our Warehouse in Schlüsselfeld: If the ordered products are in stock with us locally, the delivery time is 1 to 3 business days . We strive to process and ship orders as quickly as possible.
Products from Amazon Warehouses: For items shipped via Amazon, the Amazon Prime delivery times apply. This means your order will usually arrive on the next business day.
Please note that the stated delivery times are estimates and, in rare cases, delays may occur due to unforeseen events or high demand. In such cases, we will, of course, inform you promptly.
For international shipments, customs fees or import taxes may sometimes apply. At Rewos GmbH, we want to make your shopping experience as straightforward as possible and therefore cover any fees, provided they do not exceed €10 . If the amount to be paid exceeds this limit, we will contact you to discuss the next steps and find a satisfactory solution for both parties.
Your satisfaction is our priority. If you are not satisfied with a product purchased from us, we offer a 14-day refund period from the receipt of the goods. Further details on the return conditions, the return process, and any costs can be found in our detailed Return Policy . We recommend that you read this information carefully to avoid misunderstandings.
Currently, there are no special shipping conditions or restrictions for our products. Should certain items be subject to specific conditions, we will clearly highlight this information in the product description to keep you informed accordingly.
We hope that this comprehensive shipping policy answers all your questions and provides you with a clear overview of our shipping processes. Our goal is to offer you a transparent and pleasant shopping experience. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our customer service team is happy to assist you with any inquiries.
Contact Information:
Rainer Ott (Managing Director)
Schlesierstr. 7
96132 Schlüsselfeld
We thank you for your trust and look forward to welcoming you as a customer. The team at Rewos GmbH wishes you a pleasant shopping experience in our online store.